PhD Student
Project: Assessment and preservation of climate signals in multi-proxy tree-ring chronologies from Europe
Department of Geography
Building 1272, Room 00-122
Johann-Joachim-Becher Weg 32
Phone: +49 6131 39-29891
Consultation hours: Upon agreement
Biographical data
- Since 10/2020 Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
- 11/2019 – 09/2020 Substitute Teacher, Oranienschule, Wiesbaden
- 04/2016 – 06/2019 Studies in Geography and Biology (M.Ed.), Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz (Thesis: Site-specific climate signals in tree ring parameters of Pinus nigra from Corsica, France)
- 05/2013 – 09/2020 Student Assistant, Department of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
- 10/2012 – 06/2016 Studies in Geography and Biology (B.Ed.), Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz (Thesis: Personality-based career guidance in teacher training: Relationships between personality and social expertise in student teachers at JGU Mainz)
Research Interests
- Dendrochronology
- Palaeoclimatology
- Forest ecology
- Stable isotopes
- Wood anatomy
- Mediterranean
ATR-AWARD - Best student presentation at the conference TRACE 2023 (Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology), 08.-12.05.2023, Coimbra, Portugal.
Under review
[11] Frigo D, Prendin AL, Dibona R, Esper J, Römer P, Torbenson MCA, Ziaco E, Carrer M (in review) Fading summer ground frost in Fennoscandia is unseen in the last 1200 years. Nature Climate Change.
[10] Römer P, Martínez del Castillo E, Reinig F, Torbenson MCA, Konter O, Klippel L, Büntgen U, Esper J (in review) Growth characteristics and drought vulnerability of southwest German spruce and pine. European Journal of Forest Research.
[9] Römer P, Wieland A, Torbenson MCA, Reinig F, Ziaco E, Frigo D, Greule M, Urban O, Čáslavský J, Pernicová N, Trnka M, Carrer M, Büntgen U, Keppler F, Esper J (in review) Covariance and climate signals among state-of-the-art tree-ring proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews.
[8] Frigo D, Römer P, Unterholzner L, Zimmer-Zachmann H, Esper J, Carrer M, Ziaco E (2024) Review of embedding and non-embedding techniques for quantitative wood anatomy. Dendrochronologia 88, 126241.
[7] Wieland A, Römer P, Torbenson, M, Greule M, Urban O, Čáslavský J, Pernicová N, Trnka M, Büntgen U, Esper J, Keppler F (2024) Tree-ring stable isotopes in cellulose and lignin methoxy groups reveal different age-related behaviour. Quaternary International 693, 38-48. (Wieland_2024_QI.pdf) (Wieland_2024_QI_Supp.pdf)
[6] Kuhl E, Zang C, Esper J, Riechelmann D, Büntgen U, Briesch M, Reinig F, Römer P, Konter O, Schmidhalter M, Hartl C (2023) Using Machine Learning on tree-ring data to determine the geographical provenance of historical construction timbers. Ecosphere 14, e4453. (Kuhl_2023_Ecosphere.pdf) (Kuhl_2023_Ecosphere_Supp.pdf)
[5] Römer P, Reinig F, Konter O, Friedrich R, Urban O, Čáslavský J, Pernicová N, Trnka M, Büntgen U, Esper J (2023) Multi-proxy crossdating extends the longest high-elevation tree-ring chronology from the Mediterranean. Dendrochronologia 79, 126085.
[4] Torbenson MCA, Büntgen U, Römer P, Urban O, Trnka M, Ac A, Reinig R, Rybnicek M, Kolar T, Arosio T, Martinez del Castillo E, Konasova E, Pernicova N, Caslavsky J, Esper J (2023) Assessing earlywood-latewood proportion influence on tree-ring stable isotopes. Dendrochronologia 82, 126147. (Torbenson_2023_Den.pdf)
[3] Wieland A, Greule M, Römer P, Esper J, Keppler F (2022) Climate signals in stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes of lignin methoxy groups from southern German beech trees. Climate of the Past 18, 1849-1866. (Wieland_2022_ClimPast.pdf) (Wieland_2022_ClimPast_Supp.pdf)
[2] Esper J, Hartl C, Konter O, Reinig F, Römer P, Huneau F, Lebre S, Szymczak S, Bräuning A, Büntgen U (2021) Past millennium hydroclimate variability from Corsican pine tree-ring chronologies. Boreas 51, 621-636. (Esper_2021_Boreas.pdf) (Esper_2021_Boreas_Supp.pdf)
[1] Römer P, Hartl C, Schneider L, Bräuning A, Szymczak S, Huneau F, Lebre S, Reinig F, Büntgen U, Esper J (2021) Reduced temperature sensitivity of maximum latewood density formation in high-elevation Corsican pines under recent warming. Atmosphere 12, 804. (Roemer_2021_Atmos.pdf) (Roemer_2021_Atmos_Supp.pdf)
05/2023 "Multi-proxy crossdating for chronology improvement",
TRACE2023 (Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology), Coimbra, Portugal.
06/2022 "Multi-species tree growth response to climate change in southwestern Germany", AMERIDENDRO2022, Montreal, Canada.
05/2022 "Multi-species tree growth response to climate change in southwestern Germany",
TRACE2022 (Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology), Erlangen, Germany.
06/2021 "Fading temperature sensitivity of long tree-ring density chronologies from Corsica (France)", TRACE2021 (Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology), virtual conference.
Winter 2022/2023
- M3/M5-ED Cartography
Summer 2021
- Summer school: "A Fearful Hope: Imagining a blueprint for a sustainable future" (GO Project)
Winter 2020/2021
- M1/M1-ED Climate Geography D
- M3/M5-ED Cartography G
Winter 2019/2020
- M3/M5-ED Cartography B
- M3/M5-ED Cartography F
Summer 2019
- M11/M9-ED Regional Geography Seminar and excursion "North Scandinavia"
Winter 2018/19
- M3/M5-ED Cartography E
- M3/M5-ED Cartography F
Winter 2017/18
- M3/M5-ED Cartography E
- M3/M5-ED Cartography F
Summer 2017
- M11/M9-ED Regional Geography Seminar and excursion "North Scandinavia"